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Data-driven economic agent-based models workshop

Data pubblicazione: 26.10.2022
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A team of junior EMbeDS members organized the first workshop on “Data-driven economic agent-based models”. The workshop was held at the Sant’Anna School on 27-28th September 2022.

The goal of the workshop was to bring together for the first time the scholars using real-world data to initialize individual-level variables in economic Agent-Based Models (ABMs). Application sessions included climate economics, production networks, macroeconomics, and housing and labor markets. The workshop also featured methodological sessions, on parameter calibration and data assimilation. The latter is the technique that makes it possible to dynamically estimate the individual variables of ABMs, and has so far been rarely used in economic ABMs. Finally, a panel of senior scholars from the ABM community discussed the advantages and disadvantages, challenges and future prospects of data-driven economic ABMs. For the complete program, see here.

The workshop featured around 40 participants coming from 10 European countries and different scientific communities. Participants were also coming from diverse workplaces, such as universities, research centers, institutions, and industry.

The organizers gratefully acknowledge funding from the James S. Mc Donnell Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship, INET Young Scholars Initiative and the EMbeDS Department of Excellence. Hopefully, the workshop will foster new collaborations and be the first of a series in the emerging research field of data-driven agent-based models.